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Perfectly published for anyone

Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.                                                                                                                          Antoine de Saint-Exupèry

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March 30, 2018

Come possiamo attirare i giovani non solo al seggio, ma anche a partecipare attivamente al governo del Belpaese? Come vincere il pregiudizio che tutti i politici sono corrotti e la politica fa schifo? In queste chiacchierate con la figlia quasi diciottenne, un padre, appassionato di politica, spiega con semplicità arcani meccanismi e delicati equilibri di quest’arte cosi bistrattata, ma indispensabile all’uomo, che per natura è animale politico. Uno scambio profondo, ma al tempo stesso molto divertente, per far prendere coscienza a chi veramente rappresenta non solo il futuro, ma anche la grande e vera forza dell’Italia: i giovani.


May 07, 2015


Washington DC is a beautiful​ place to visit and it is even more interesting once you have read this little and funny gem by Italian author Duilio Daniele.
With wit and graceful charm Duilio shares one week visiting the USA capital,  and it is difficult not to be titillated by how he sees not just the city but his inhabitants as well, without sparing his fellow Italians.
The book is available on and all major bookstores, even in Washington DC. (Italian language only)

November 13, 2013


Failed Angels is now available worldwide and Amazon Japan is already reporting amazing feedback in terms of sales.​

The book is a collection of short stories, quirky and scary, funny and surreal, that originally were supposed to end up on the big screen but failed in their mission. Maybe the written word is hitting the spot where the projected image failed.

November 13, 2013


The new revised edition of The Perfect Defense, the best of the best self defense techniques in one book, is out and already shelves are clearing quickly.​

Containing many photos and illustrations the new edition is cheaper but equally rich of precious information on how to survive in the modern world, including on the web.
Perfect? You bet.
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